python has matplotlib,. I don t know whether CPP has the same level of drawing library. If you want to achieve the drawing effect of matlab in the MFC framework, you can achieve some simple operations like matlab, such as zooming in and out, coordinate ...
topic description A rookie of matlab programming asks all the great gods to give you an idea to create an entry in the Filter data filter with matlab programming sources of topics and their own ideas there is a raw data on hand, no tags, only numb...
import sympy x em sympy.sin (f) z=r*sympy.sin (l) how to find the Jacobian matrix? xpenr sympy.cos (l) sympy.cos (f) ypenr sympy.cos (l) sympy.sin (f) z=r*sympy.sin (l) ? J = [cos (l) cos (f),-r sin (l) cos (f),-r cos (l) * sin (f)] [c...
Why can t symbolic variables be logarithmic? an is a symbolic variable, and I want to generate another symbolic variable, ln (a), to display an error. But pow (a pencils 4) is OK. Why? ...
how does matlab use one time column matrix [time] to find another 4-column matrix [time, XMagi X] corresponding to row data-the two matrices are not the same length? ...
Mac uses sequel Pro to connect to the local database but cannot open the created database (terminal operation is normal) Picture description ...
<img v-if="scope.row" :src= "this.$api.imgServer.down+scope.row.coverImage" style="width: 100px;height: 100px; " > < hr > where scope.row.coverImage is taken out as file-uploads cf.png, and this.$api.imgServer.down...
import React from react ; import { TreeSelect, Button, Select } from antd ; const SHOW_PARENT = TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT; const config = { treeData, value: this.state.value, onChange: this.onSelect, treeCheckable: true, ...
is in pie chart of echart . The number of pie charts is uncertain and is cyclically ergodic, and it may be one or more. How to set radius and center can ensure that the panel displays a different number of pie charts can be displayed adaptively. is ...
does the vue, route jump from the current page trigger the hook function that declares the period ...