< div class= "layui-container layui-fluid layui-row " > <form th:action="@{ info add }" th:method="post" class="layui-form"> <div class="layui-form-item layui-col-lg-offset1 layui-col-lg10 layui-form-...
such as the question, ...
given a certain month of a year (yyyy-MM), get the weekly start and end dates of that month (yyyy-MM-dd, Monday is the first day and Sunday is the last day). for example, given 2018-08, the first week of the month is from 2018-08-01 to 2018-08-05, the s...
index.js const {query} = require( . sql ); export async function getUser(name){ let sql = `select name,password from users whername="${name}" `; let user = await query(sql) return user; } server.js import {getUser} from . ...
1. Use Wechat to open and always report invalid signature errors. The screenshot is as follows: 2::jsapi_ticket=HoagFKDcsGMVCIY2vOjf9kbCx7fg5SWrDRQKPVygt-TLxSnB7TYLwraONW8-7PWNJUkHKVnRuqrrRjlbGjr_Lg&noncestr=ac275964-c552-419b-bb04-548ac6d0fb99×...