problem description now there are two files, fund.html and fund.php. Fund.php handles a lot of computing work, and fund.html is displayed as the front end. now you want to use the setInterval function in fund.html to poll for the calculated content i...
requirements: use Github V3 version of API to get the number of items of a user s star. and user s api does not provide the number of star separately, but provides such an interface " starred_url ": " https: users tj starred{ ow...
1. The front-end ajax submits data to php _ html as the content to generate pdf (html code) _ name as the file name to generate psdf $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "{...
for example, when I use xhr to request binary stream data, I know that I can use xhr.onprogress () to monitor the download progress, but the progress is not finished. If the network is interrupted or when I execute abort (), how can I get and save the do...
that is, after my php executes any code or outputs something, the ajax submitted by jquery on my web page can enter the error callback function, preferably the one with information ....
function onNetChange() { var nt = plus.networkinfo.getCurrentType(); if (nt == "2" || nt == "3" || nt == "5" || nt == "6") { mui.toast(""); ...
interview questions are asked what makes concurrent requests? Isn t the request asynchronous? If there are too many requests, it will naturally occur concurrently. What does this mean? ...
as mentioned above, how to implement concurrent requests ...
there is a scenario where I need to use setInterval to obtain ajax requests (the backend is unwilling to use webscoket). I find that when the interface is in pending, it is still polling for sending requests. I want to make an optimization, that is, stop...
as shown in the figure, the background is a dates array with n objects, and this is one of them. Now I want to pass a value to the starTime attribute at the front end, and pass multiple values to dates [0] .starTime, dates [1]. StarTime.dates [n] .starT...
problem description I want to crawl infoQ articles, such as articles under AI topics, but I m curious about how he asked to load the article list. uses Java s crawler gecco. the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have t...
Why is it that after two consecutive requests, the second request is faster than the first one? I have the same interface, such as parameter name=a for the first time and name=b for the second time. two APIs request continuously. Normally, the one sent...
Business scenario: AJAX returns the data res after sending the request, and the returned data is dynamic (maybe a lot, maybe very little). Maybe some need to be updated and some need to be added) I want to implement a judgment to determine whether the...
problem description after I use axios to get JSON data from the server, I assign values to the data variables in the .vue component, and then modify the ordering of the data variables through the methods creation method, but after using the sort () me...
as mentioned in the question, the back-end interface of https cannot be requested at the front end. I would like to ask how to solve this problem. the error requested is: failed to load resource:net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID ...
< H2 > problem description < H2 > The front end transcodes the picture base64, places it in an array of base64 strings, and passes it to the background when the page is submitted. this is the page submitted by the front end, and multiple pictures ma...
the function to be implemented is that when viewing a resource, you need to deduct the points of the resource, display the real resource address, and call ajax, to implement no refresh . class Zyuser_MeiMei (models.Model): author = models.F...
after clicking the button, the user downloads the compressed file (single) in the static directory without redirecting to the page. ...
after clicking the button, the user downloads the compressed file (single) in the static directory without redirecting to the page. ...
my first is bar style google.charts.load( current , { packages :[ bar ]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { $.getJSON( data.json?type=view&m= + m, function(json) { var data = new google.visualization.Dat...
{gid:"1",is_top:"0",title:"iphone"} {gid:"2",is_top:"0",title:"iphone"} {gid:"3",is_top:"0",title:"iphone"} {gid:"4",is_top:"0",title:"ipho...
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd") private Date adjustDate; foreground pass parameters: adjustDate=2019-02-02 but the actual date value is: 2019-02-02 08:00:00 all I want is a date. What should I do with it? Update: in fact, this p...
how does django-rest-framework write WeChat Mini Programs s payment interface, ...
looking at the antd source code, I found the phrase "(0, _ inherits3 [ default ]) (Button, _ React$Component); " what does this code mean? I know (function () {}) (), but it doesn t look like it. What does it mean? ...
< el-table: data= "peopleList " height= 270 > <el-table-column v-for="col in columns" :prop="" :key="" :align= col.align :label="col.label" :width="col.width"> <templat...