jna - Related information

  • DLL file path problem when IDEA uses JNA

    < H1 > 1. Problem description < H1 > JNA technology is used because work requires calling DLL, in the SDK provided by a third party. The development steps and the use of JNA have been familiar, and the development task has been completed, but there ha...

  • The problem of using JNA to call .so file under centos7

    public class CalProcess { public interface CLibrary extends Library { CLibrary INSTANCE = (CLibrary) Native.loadLibrary((Platform.isWindows() ? "CalProcess" : "cal_process"), CLibrary.class); ...

  • Why has the vue data not changed?

    the result of + 1 pops up after clicking the button, but why does the result show that there is no + 1 or the original value after the pop-up window disappears? Another question is that if I keep clicking this button, it should always be + 1. Why does t...

  • An error is reported in the build link in vuecli3.

    problem description Gentlemen, I use the vuecli3 packaging tool, and the following error message appears. I was blinded by myself, hoping to point the way. error static js app.65cc10e4.js from Terser TypeError: Cannot read property minify of u...

  • After the VSCode update, the vue syntax is highlighted.

    vuter, write this way, but it can t be like this all the time. It s not a fundamental solution to the problem. ...

  • What exactly is the concept of a char-type code unit in java?

    What exactly is the concept of a code unit of type char? recently, I saw "java Core Technology Volume 1 (10th Edition) " and encountered the concept of code unit in Section 3.6.6. There was some confusion . related codes String sentence= "11 is th...

  • Float problem of Adaptive layout

    when reading the Great God s tutorial, there is a question about the "self-floating method ": the sidebar should be placed in front of the main column. in my understanding, float is detached from the normal stream (document stream), so why is its or...
