problem description after obtaining the camera image using opencv, perform a series of processing, including equalization, binarization, and so on, to obtain the imageView object, so how to put this object on the interface of javafx? And the camera wi...
[INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Downloading: https: maven2 org apache maven plugins maven-install-plugin 2.4 maven-install-plugin-2.4.pom [WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-insta...
as shown in the figure, when I packaged with package, I found that both mapper.xml and java bean had been modified. , that is, the plug-in is included in the life cycle of package. how to break this? In pom, my configuration is &l...
problem description after configuring setting for maven private server dependency, no relevant jar package was downloaded; the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried I tried to configure mirror and profiles separately in s...
I want to generate it automatically with mybatis generator, which is as follows in pom: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.mybatis.generator< groupId> <artifa...
how to gracefully modify the default JDK version of Maven ...
mvn archetype:generate card dies in Generating project in Batch mode ...
I have the following code snippet in a parent root pom set dev as the default profile <profiles> <profile> <id>dev< id> <properties> <profileActive>dev< profile...
what is the meaning of the red mark in the picture? ask for an answer. I haven t found it for a long time. ...
our company is developed on the intranet, but cannot access the Internet. The company has its own maven private server, but it is still incomplete. I got the jar package outside through the coordinates, and then uploaded it to the company private server...
in the online springcloud tutorials, we often see the following code block under the root pom <dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>< grou...
Today, an error occurred when compiling, unable to load StaticLoggerBinder, so the default implementation was used. [INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.1.0.RELEASE:repackage (repackage) @ nettyServer --- SLF4J: Failed to load class "
I wonder if it s good to do this. I think generally module is divided into Controller service dao for example, a device monitoring system based on Web based on different types of devices (less than 10 expected) to build Module each Module will write...
SpringBoot unknownunknown SpringBoot unknownmavenunknown ...
keep reporting errors, using version 3.10.0 Description: An attempt was made to call the method org.redisson.api.RTopic.addListener(Lorg redisson api listener MessageListener;)I but it does not exist. Its class, org.redisson.api.RTopic, is available ...
problem description I hope the boss will explain more clearly, I am a rookie the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what...
1. The multi-module project established by mvn is divided into multiple start,service,dao modules 2. The code of the unit test is written under start, and the code in the service,dao is tested. executing the mvn test command will execute all the unit ...
macos maven package runs Chinese garbled use mvn clean install on macos to pack the jar package, and then run the jar package on the linux server, but the log is garbled in Chinese, so it s OK to pack it on windows as well. jar package I uploaded ...
the Swing project created by Idea uses maven to solve dependency problems it can be successful if it is run directly in idea, but it is not successful after packaging. related pom is as follows <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-...
background: reflectAsm, is used in the project. I went to maven warehouse found gav, and added it to pom.xml. [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project xxxx: Could not resolve dependencies for project xxxxxx:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find co...
like this http: s. website, how is the animation on the click image realized? do you have any ideas? ...
vue single page project, developed by Wechat official account. the front page is a list of information, which is returned by obtaining the official account in the background. The returned information contains a url that jumps to the details (only this ...
postcss-px-to-viewport is used for adaptation in vue. Configure as follows postcss: { plugins: [ autoprefixer(), pxtovw({ viewportWidth: 750, viewp...
spring cloud project upgraded from 8 to 11. my MAVEN 3.6, springboot 2.1.3, eclipse latest. I have added a module-info file. ask for advice! how to use the jar package from the original rt.jar in 11 rt.jar SpringBoot package JDK this is my pr...
how do I call Wechat s browser to open the H5 page? for example, now I have opened an H5 web page with chrome on my phone. Now I want to add a button to this web page. By clicking this button, I can call Wechat s browser to open the H5 web page. Wha...