recently when I was using Sunny-Ngrok, I found that double-clicking sunny.exe prompts Don t double-click ngrok! you need to open the cmd.exe and run it on the command line and running under the command line prompts using tutorials, please ...
websites always have backdoor files generated with the suffix .php. Because no more .php files will be added to the site, think of using inotifywait to recursively monitor the entire site directory, find the newly created php file, and then delete it. In...
learn CPP, the code is an exercise of string substitution, in which the expression p = strstr (pdjm)! = NULL in the while loop will report an error at this point. if you change this sentence to ((p = strstr)! = NULL), there will be no problem if you e...
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried in laravel framework, linux environment, xshell executes crontab scheduled tasks, they said that the root directory of the executed project is the absolute path, which I...
1, if you use the linux that comes with win10 to ssh 1: 2, use cmd to ssh other ssh software can display normally, the picture is not posted, wsl local adjustment normal response far end is centos no usr bin resize Type stty cols xx stty...
want to write a .command file to quickly switch whether to display the full file. you usually need to knock one line at a time defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES(NO) && killAll Finder is there any way to query the status o...
! [picture upload.] the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures) what result do you expect? What is the error message act...
curl http: api misc creditEntry creditInfoSubmit -H Cookie:test -H Origin: http: -H Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate -H X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest -H Accept-Language: zh-...
is writing a word cloud at the beginning of python, but there is still nothing in wordcount at present. Is there something wrong with the circular input? where stopwords is a content set containing commonly used non-essential words >>> import...
after global installation of with composer global require is completed, type robo init to return-bash: robo: command not found. At first, I thought it was because the installation was unsuccessful, and then I tried to reinstall with wget http:...
this is the content of my sh file: for file in *.html do aa=`grep -o <div id = "vdl.* $file ` bb=`grep -o <a href = "inde.*< a> $file ` sed -i "s $aa $bb g" $file done execute: bash-x. the res...
can https: download the entire site locally? Often used offline in computers. You don t need a smartphone, you can t install apk, and you don t want to use apk. used wget, but found it didn t work. ...
for example, the files in the csv directory below lf-orders-2018-11-20 (1700) .csv lf-orders-2018-11-20 17002.csv file names contain spaces and are interspersed with parentheses in both Chinese and English. You need to replace them with an underscor...
it is possible that the location of the Python interpreter C:Python36python.exe is wrong, how to change it to mnt c Python36 python.exe? Of course, it may not be this question, find the solution ...
has written a shell script there are some read commands to read user input there are some echo display output but once run, Chinese that does not support Chinese input will be ignored what should I do? Thank you. Thank you ....
execute the following command: ps aux | grep-n redis-server | grep-v grep the process information of redis-server can be found normally. (Note: grep-v grep is to exclude the process information of grep itself from the results) but write it as a...
now many docker ui can remotely call docker s rest API to operate the container, and use exec to execute commands inside the running container. Suppose I call the exec API in the following way: POST hostid:port containers {id} exec Parameter: Atta...
write a shell script that looks at the contents of the current directory and prints out the word "Directory " for all directories, followed by a comma-separated list of directory names and contents sorted by modification time, and all files print the wo...
wrote a simple script for code upload and merge, but will continue to execute in case of conflict? How to avoid wants him to interrupt execution if there is a conflict in git pull @echo off ECHO "pull front-code&&commit local to origin...
mixed APP has a need for attachment preview, but cannot be downloaded. can only preview online on mobile phone found some unusable things on the Internet have any seniors ever made similar needs or urgent needs? thank you in advance! ...
vue + typescript (vue-class-component used) how to write throttling and anti-shake function ...
in the chooseImage callback, writeFile, put the picture path setData, in the writeFile callback. As a result, the wxml is indeed set to the path, but the picture does not display ...
what parameters do I need to keep to save an article on Wechat s official account? the following example: https: s?__. does it seem that if you delete one, you can t access it, so you can only keep it all? ...
how do I view the URL of the webview to which app jumped? There is no URL bar, so you can t see it like a browser, what should I do? ...