for some reason, zsh runs abnormally in intellij idead. Open the terminal of Intellij IDEA, prompt configureCommandHistory:6: command not found: cp and then enter ls and other common commands do not exist. export PATH finds that the path is dif...
demand use 301 to redirect Source address http: aaa bbb variable destination address http: -sharp transaction variable need to give a demonstration ...
I have the following script The front-end page is called through php, but multiple pages can be called at the same time. For example, when upgrading, the php side executes-- download, which can be canceled before download, and then install_p...
because sed outputs all the data rows by default, sed s pattern command a pattern command GO process, and the data that is not matched is output normally I want to continue editing the rows that have just been matched after sed executes a patte...
in the shell script, I have the following variables to hold the url information: how do I get product_patch_20190218162130_sign.pkg? Search the awk tutorials on the Internet, learn awk fundamentals and write the following sentence: echo $urlfile |...
I want to extract url from the following: {"code": 0, "data": {"cdnFileUrl": "http: download product mi rules example_url_201902123.pkg", "code": 0, "message": "s...
build a git warehouse on the server, and then git clone in any directory after all the operations are completed, and then touch a file. After git add and git commit, the output git log; shows that the submission was successful, with the corresponding sub...
For root users, cd to the directory, as follows: [{user} @ {system} {dirname}]-sharp , for example: [root@VM_44_196_centos mnt]-sharp but after executing su www , you can only see bash-4.2 $. How can the current directory name of cd also appear...
after watching Uncle Psy s linux cuisine, I wrote an identical script on the knowledge of learning service, but it didn t work. Is this the wrong way to write it? The process is as follows: [root@localhost backups]-sharp ls backup.log bac...
topic description str = master 7ecbf3f [origin master: ahead 8, behind 1] local 1. How to get the string origin master: ahead 8, behind 1 between []? 2. How to tell that the string fetched in 1 contains behind or diverged ? Shell is so fas...
1. Problem: distinguish between redhat and centos to get release number (such as centos6.5 "6.5 ", redhat " 7.3 ") 2. I tried to write a command: lsb_release-a | grep Release | awk {print $2} | awk-F. {print $1 ". " $2} but only for centos6...
learn CPP, the code is an exercise of string substitution, in which the expression p = strstr (pdjm)! = NULL in the while loop will report an error at this point. if you change this sentence to ((p = strstr)! = NULL), there will be no problem if you e...
the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried in laravel framework, linux environment, xshell executes crontab scheduled tasks, they said that the root directory of the executed project is the absolute path, which I...
1, if you use the linux that comes with win10 to ssh 1: 2, use cmd to ssh other ssh software can display normally, the picture is not posted, wsl local adjustment normal response far end is centos no usr bin resize Type stty cols xx stty...
is writing a word cloud at the beginning of python, but there is still nothing in wordcount at present. Is there something wrong with the circular input? where stopwords is a content set containing commonly used non-essential words >>> import...
this is the content of my sh file: for file in *.html do aa=`grep -o <div id = "vdl.* $file ` bb=`grep -o <a href = "inde.*< a> $file ` sed -i "s $aa $bb g" $file done execute: bash-x. the res...
can https: download the entire site locally? Often used offline in computers. You don t need a smartphone, you can t install apk, and you don t want to use apk. used wget, but found it didn t work. ...
for example, the files in the csv directory below lf-orders-2018-11-20 (1700) .csv lf-orders-2018-11-20 17002.csv file names contain spaces and are interspersed with parentheses in both Chinese and English. You need to replace them with an underscor...
how to search through git, the last branch pulled is to take a branch? ...
problem description IE "windows chrome.exe " the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried chrome.exepath start chrome.exe activexie related codes Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code...
data is available. You can print renderSelect , but you can t render it below. {selectData} this cannot be rendered? Why? How to solve render(){ const {dispatch}=this.props; const selectData=this.state.selectData con...
when using sockjs-client, we encounter the following problems. The version we use is 1.1.5. Many of the answers on the Internet say that it has been reduced to 1.0.0, but there is still a problem. What caused this? Uncaught Error: Incompatibile socket...
const routes = [ { path:" HelloWorld", component: HelloWorld }, { path: " second", component: second }, { path: , redirect: HelloWorld } ] A second route is always displayed when it comes...
background: 1,springmvc(javaweb), , .jspajax,; 2,java,,; 3,(),(svn); question: 1,(),,,; 2,,?,; 3,java?? ideas: vuejs+elementui,axiostoken,vue-router,. webpack,tomcat; I need your answers: 1,2? 2,3; 3...