How regular expressions filter question marks

I want to extract url from the following:

{"code": 0, "data": {"cdnFileUrl": "", "code": 0, "message": "success", "packageVersion": "20190219141705"}, "message": "success"}

you can get the correct result by using the following command:
cat info1.txt | grep-Po""cdnFileUrl": "[0-9aLZAMALIZUMAURAVO.] +""| awk-F"""{print $(NF-1)}"


but now the docking department has changed the connection form and added a question mark to the link. I searched the question mark for special treatment, but I don"t know how to do it. The changed information is as follows:

{"code": 0, "data": {"cdnFileUrl": "", "code": 0, "message": "success", "packageVersion": "20190219141705"}, "message": "success"}

so how to extract it

add? Character

cat info1.txt | grep -Po '"cdnFileUrl": "[0-9a-zA-Z/-:._?]+"' | awk -F'"' '{ print $(NF-1) }'

echo {"code": 0, "data": {"cdnFileUrl": ""," code ": 0," message ":" success "," packageVersion ":" 20190219141705 "}," message ":" success "} | awk'{print $5}'| sed's cusp Universe

-sharp cat info1.txt | awk -F'"' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;iPP){if($i ~ /http:.?/)print $i}}'