Navigation contraction doesn't work, but it works after F5 refreshes the page.



as shown in the figure, the control navigation of this button shrinks.

1. As soon as the page opens (that is, after logging in), this button doesn"t work at all.

2. But after the F5 refresh, this button works.

3. So I tested the code locally on HTML, and it was normal whether it was refreshed or not.

4. But in vue-cli, it only works after the F5 is refreshed.

5. My js is in main.js

import "@/assets/js/jquery.min.js" 
import "@/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js" 
// + 
import "@/assets/js/jquery.metisMenu.js"
import "@/assets/js/jquery.slimscroll.min.js"
import "@/assets/js/inspinia.js"
import "@/assets/js/pace.min.js"

is this a loading problem with js?

1. You can first try to modify the order of import
2. Try adding script

to the html field to paste the code of the button click event and the code at the navigation

use vue-router, right? Is
version 3.x?
