Seems to have found a BUG? with a Chrome memory leak.

< H1 > problem description < / H1 >

while writing transition animation, I inadvertently found that sometimes the page would jam, and the Chrome memory of the viewing task manager suddenly soared. After various exclusions, I found that transform:skew (90deg) was set; , as long as the relevant transition animation elements were moved in and out several times in a row, the page would jam. What is the cause of this, or is it just a bug

< H1 > the simplified code is as follows < / H1 >

    div {
        width: 500px;
        height: 500px;
        background: -sharpaaa;
    div p {
        transition: all 0.35s;
    div:hover p {


</div> </body> </html>
< H1 > stable recurrence method and other < / H1 >

the phenomenon that jam memory soars when moving in and out continuously
has been tested many times only transform:skew (90deg); attribute, only Chrome has this problem when the degree is 90 degrees.

add: Chrome version is 63.0.3239.132 (official version) (64-bit)

version 65.0.3315.3 (official version) dev (64-bit), Ubuntu 16.04

there is no problem you said.

that's true. My 64 version will appear, and the upgrade to 65 can't be reproduced.
