Form validation fails when vue elementUi loops through an item of data

when vue elementUi loops an item of data in the form, the form validation fails





first of all, according to the way the landlord writes

model= "data" .prop = "carMortgageMoney".

the verification in rule should be data [carMortgageMoney] , while your data should be a data {xxx: {carMortgageMoney: "."} , which means that only data [I] [carMortgageMoney] , data [carMortgageMoney] undefined exists.
you should be able to write this:
: prop= "index+\" .carMortgageMoney\ "
Appendix, parsing the source code of prop


has the landlord problem been solved? Hope to answer

I tried to achieve, however, Ctrip this format of prop, in the verification, do not fill in anything, directly saved, the form did not report red, no response. I don't know why.
