Enter python-m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 & in windows cmd

enter python-m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 in windows cmd & access the local file how to check out this access

what should I do if I want to go back to the original interface after I visit the local file



command is followed by & to indicate that the process is running in the background. To end it, you need to find the PID, of the process and then end it through the Task Manager or other command tool.

here, the python process listens on port TCP 8888. You can find out the python process PID

with the following command
netstat -n -a -o

it will output something similar to the following

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
  TCP               LISTENING       10280
  TCP              LISTENING       3060

you can see that process 10280 is listening on TCP 8888 port, so you only need to open Task Manager to end process 10280.
or use the taskkill command, as follows

taskkill /PID 10280
< hr > The URL of the

home page is http://localhost:8888/
