Material-ui Drawer component issues

after material-ui cut from beta version 1.0 to official version, it was found that there was a problem with the Drawer component and could not change from hidden to display state.
< Drawer
anchor= "bottom"
open= {this.state.bottom}
onClose= {this.toggleDrawer ("bottom", false)} >


above is an example of calling demo on the official website. Display and concealment are controlled through the attribute true or false of open. My default value is changed from false, to true, and the component will not be displayed. If the default value is true, the component in the page is displayed by default, and the hidden action will be triggered when changed to false, but there will be no response if you continue to change it to true,.
to put it simply, changes from true to false components display normally, while changes from false to true do not respond. has anyone encountered this problem?

this is my local debugging code, console can print the default value false and changed true normally.


after troubleshooting, it is found that the component has already been mounted into dom after the openvalue is changed to true. An extra visibility: hidden; attribute is found in chrome debugging mode, and the component can be displayed by manually ticking it off. I just don't understand why open has this attribute when it is true, which should have been removed.

it feels so crappy. Someone on github mentioned that Issues, must be react16.3 or above before it can be used normally, otherwise there will be the problem of visibility: hidden;.
