Vue routing control issues, paid

which boss has done the back-end control routing, emergency


well, I didn't know what you were asking until I saw your comment. Your requirement is that the backend control user can only see the routing display of the functional module with which he or she has permission. In other words, this has nothing to do with the proposition of backend control routing, it just provides you with the permission data of the current user, and you are still the boss of the routing module.
after requesting permission data from the backend, store it in a format similar to [{key: "visible module", state:true}, {key: "visible module 1", state:true}, {key: "invisible module", state:false}]; If you are using the router-link tag, then use the data and give him vMurif. if you do not render without permission, the entry will be gone. if you use the method this.$router.push ("/ xx"), then use the data to determine whether it can jump. Of course, in order to secure 0-0, your backend interface needs to be authenticated. Users who do not have permissions will have no data even if they change the hash, to jump in. Well, you can also write a colored egg for this situation, give him an alert or other things, hiccups, so 0-0 is not as troublesome as you think
