Cannot set max, min value for y axis in Echarts?

when echarts, is used in the project, you want to set the maximum and minimum values for the chart"s y-axis.
when max and min are set to constant, this setting takes effect:

yAxis: [{
        type: "value",
        position: "left",
        axisLabel: {
            formatter: "{value}"
        axisLine: {
            lineStyle: {
                color: this.colors[0]
        gridIndex: 0,
        min: -1,
        max: 6,

the style of the corresponding icon is as follows:



I would like to ask all of you what this situation is all about and how to adjust it


Code No problem
are you sure you only changed the values of these two attributes and nothing else?

I have the same problem. I got better after upgrading echarts.min.js

max:function (value) {

                        return value = 6;
                    min:function (value) {
                        return value = -1;