How does the table component of antd reasonably control the width of each column?

as shown in the figure, I did not manually control the column width, and the result is like this, but I feel that even if the column width is fixed, then there will still be many rows if the data in < td > is too long. Is there any good way to deal with the table component of antd in view of this situation?


give each column a fixed width, such as your order number and time, which can be set to the width that displays the longest characters. The unsubscribe number is also limited to a width. If it is not enough, let him automatically wrap the column

set the column width width

set widht or className

in columns .

if there is a time when there is more content in a column in the list, it is recommended to use an expandable table, layout to look much better (but take into account the display of data, ui, etc.)

