AVPlayer failed to play network video

1. After uploading locally to the server, pass in the URL and play the video
2. The video cannot be played. When ios11 is running, the console has the following output:

CredStore-performQuery-Error copying matching creds.

Error=-25300, query={
    class = inet;
    "m_Limit" = "m_LimitAll";
    "r_Attributes" = 1;
    sync = syna;

ios 8 is not available. Only these two versions have been tested so far

3.AVPlayerViewController test can"t play
4. It is equally useless to process the URL string with the method stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters, but the console output above is missing


url is as follows:

it is useless to go to a bar


does not support .mov format. Convert the video format

url is an intranet address, right?
playing videos in mov format cannot be played until the video is loaded to around 70%, so try not to play videos in mov format with AVPlayer, or change the ijkPlayer, address of the player:

NSURL * webVideoUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:webVideoPath],
AVURLAsset * urlAsset = [AVURLAsset assetWithURL:webVideoUrl].
AVPlayerItem * playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:urlAsset];
self.player = [AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
try to create it with AVURLAsset, which I solved with this method
