After Qiniu processed the picture, the client has been unable to read the picture.

I"m making Mini Program"s sharing card.
return returns the imageUrl image path in Wechat"s api:onShareAppMessage.
I use Qiniu to process the image.
first use Qiniu"s ? imageView2/5/w/430/h/336/q/70 to make the size thumbnail I need, and then use watermark/1/image/aHR0cHM6Ly9vZHVtOWhlbGsucW5zc2wuY29tL3Fpbml1LWxvZ28ucG5n/gravity/Center
to make watermarks. In Wechat"s developer tool, I can read the normal sharing card in the sharing card, but debugging with my mobile phone shows that the picture is always in loading status and cannot be read. It is normal to use one of the two methods of appeal separately.

what about the outer chain of your picture?
it is possible to link multiple commands with pipe characters
