I would like to ask Mini Program what information obtained by wx.getUserInfo needs to be transmitted to his own server?

what my Mini Program needs is to help the backend get the unionid to get through the official account and Mini Program. I get the login status and maintain the login.

isn't this api disabled? You have to use the open-data button.
needs to obtain encryptedData and iv, and send them to the backend. The backend uses iv and cached session_key to decrypt the encryptedData with AES.

in general, you only need to send the code in wx.login to the backend, and the backend can exchange code for openid and unionid for login authentication.
if you also need to collect users' nicknames and profile pictures, gender, location and other information, you need wx.getUserInfo to obtain, but the new version of this API is not allowed, you need to use open-data.
