On the Real-time Update Scheme of Database Cache

I have several projects that reference dictionaries. The dictionaries of these projects are all cached, and then another project maintains the dictionary, but it cannot access the cached database. It can only put the new or changed data on the oracle, so that the dictionaries referenced by other projects are not up-to-date and may go wrong. I hope those of you who have experience in this field can give me some solutions to solve the real-time update of dictionaries

if the real-time requirement of the data is not high, do a background job from the oracle dictionary table Synchronize to the cache, running every 5 or 10 seconds.

there is also an idea, that is, in oracle to do a dictionary table trigger, if there is a data update, in the trigger to call the java program, Synchronize to the cache. For the method of calling java in
oracle, please refer to my previous article :

my suggestion is:
use the configuration management center to manage the data of dictionary tables, because it is relatively static and has few changes, and many off-the-shelf products do not need to consider so much. If you want a database, you can update the cache by Synchronize or asynchronously
