The third-level navigation menu of element-ui is expanded or folded at the same time

element ui"s three-level navigation menu. When you click on any second-level navigation, all three-level navigation will be expanded


as shown in the figure, when I click on a secondary menu such as a camera, both the wifi and the camera submenus will expand or close the
code section:

< template VFF = "item in items" >

                        <el-submenu :index="item.index">
                            <template slot="title">
                                <img :src="item.icon" alt="">{{ item.title }}
                            <template v-for="(subItem,i) in item.subs" >
                                    <template v-if="subItem.sonSubs">
                                        <el-submenu   :index="subItem.index">
                                            <template slot="title">
                                                <img :src=""../../../static/img/"+subItem.mark+".svg"" alt="">{{ subItem.title }}
                                            <el-menu-item v-for="(sonSubItem,r) in subItem.sonSubs"  :index="sonSubItem.index">
                                                <img :src=""../../../static/img/"+sonSubItem.mark+".svg"" alt="">{{sonSubItem.title}}

: is the index= "" binding not unique?

landlord, have you solved it?

can you show and hide by clicking on your secondary navigation? For example, click the camera to display the menu, and click hide
