According to an example to write a program to crawl amazon pages, but there are many mistakes, do not understand, ask for help!

crawl the title and price of goods in Amazon China, Mobile phone-> Mobile Communications-> Apple Phone.
its URL=
my python code is as follows:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re -sharpHTML
import time -sharp

def get_total_page_number():
    user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36"
    headers = {"User-Agent":user_agent} -sharp
    -sharp URL
    url = ""
    res = requests.get(url,headers=headers) -sharp
    html = res.text
    html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") -sharpsouphtml
    page_number_span = html_soup.find("h2",id="s-result-count") -sharpid="s-result-count"h2
    page_number_code = page_number_span.text -sharp
    number_list = re.findall(r"(\w*[0-9]+)\w",page_number_code) -sharp3
    total_page_number = (int(number_list[-1])/int(number_list[-2])+1) -sharp
    return int(total_page_number) -sharp

def parse_single_page(i):
    url_part1 = "" % i -sharpURL
    url_part2 = "&rh=n%3A665002051%2Cp_89%3AApple%2Cn%3A664978051" -sharpURL
    url = url_part1 + url_part2 -sharpURL
    print ("prase url: %s" % url) -sharpURL
    user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36"
    res = requests.get(url,headers=headers) -sharp
    html = res.text
    html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") -sharpsouphtml
    tag_list = html_soup.find_all("li", id=re.compile("^result.*")) -sharpidresultli
    for tag_info in tag_list:
        print (tag_info)
        price_code = tag_info.find("span", class_="a-size-base a-color-price s-price a-text-bold")
        if price_code != None:
            title_code = tag_info.find("h2") -sharp
            title = title_code.text -sharp
            write_data(title,price) -sharp
def write_data(title,price):
    file_data = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d",time.localtime(time.time())) -sharp
    fn = open("%s.txt" % file_data,"a+") -sharp
    content = title + "\t" + price + "\n" -sharptab
    fn.write(content) -sharp
def main():
    total_page_number = get_total_page_number() -sharp
    for i in range(1,int(total_page_number)+1):


the error reported is as follows:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-5527ff76ca42> in <module>()
     51         parse_single_page(i)
---> 53 main()

<ipython-input-5-5527ff76ca42> in main()
     47 -sharp
     48 def main():
---> 49     total_page_number = get_total_page_number() -sharp
     50     for i in range(1,int(total_page_number)+1):
     51         parse_single_page(i)

<ipython-input-5-5527ff76ca42> in get_total_page_number()
      9     html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml") -sharpsouphtml
     10     page_number_span = html_soup.find("h2",id="s-result-count") -sharpid="s-result-count"h2
---> 11     page_number_code = page_number_span.text -sharp
     12     number_list = re.findall(r"(\w*[0-9]+)\w",page_number_code) -sharp3
     13     total_page_number = (int(number_list[-1])/int(number_list[-2])+1) -sharp

AttributeError: "NoneType" object has no attribute "text"

I have solved some problems, but I still can"t solve this problem if I look it up on the Internet. I ask for God"s help, thank you!
I have comments on almost every line. I hope I can help God read it effectively. Thank you!


AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'

what I'm telling you here is that objects of type None have no text attribute value.
that is, page_number_span is None , or you don't get page_number_span at all, and then you access the property text of None.
