How do front-end engineers produce dynamic effects efficiently in their work?

dynamic effects that are often overlooked are so important to user experience design

Animation effect is an unavoidable link in user experience design, while in mobile interaction, dynamic effect exists as a transition lubricant and an important link between the preceding and the next. Whether it"s sending messages, opening settings, selecting elements, and navigating to the next page, dynamic effects make all these changes less abrupt, transition naturally, present state changes, and help users understand the current state more clearly. this is a great way. preferences

demand: how can front-end engineers restore dynamic effects efficiently?





this. I am very ashamed to see the demo, of the subject. At present, my daily "labor" is: cut the picture, to the interface. Cycle on (I suspect I'm a fake front end).
but in the project experience, I still occasionally encounter some dynamic effect requirements, and in most cases (this is based on the difficulty of realizing the dynamic effect), I write casually by myself, and add plug-ins when it is complicated and difficult to deal with.
in fact, in the process of solving the problem, there will be questions like this:
in my opinion, how to improve the dynamic effect of the implementation, there can be faster than the introduction of plug-ins or a library? But there is currently no library or plug-in that can handle every project or requirement of your own. So, in my opinion, and the current practice is the same:
combined with your own project needs, Create your own dynamic effect library

first of all, if the product (project) has this dynamic effect, you can only go step by step to achieve
look at your demo. If the js written by css is perfect, it may not be so smooth, and it is comfortable to see these effects.
I think your demo should be implemented in the underlying language

excuse me, how is the subject demo made or used? Can you recommend a tutorial for learning? at present, it is only on writing static pages for the interface and a small number of minimalist special effects, thank you very much!

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