Raspberry pie can't get into the system.

when the raspberry pie 3 is plugged into the power supply, only the red light is on, and the CPU temperature is very high, and then plugging in the monitor does not respond, so it cannot enter the system, even if the SD has been rewritten many times. Is the board burning or the SD card is broken? it can be identified on the SD card computer.

< H1 > the following is for reference only < / H1 >

if I'm right, the part of the power supply bus should be burned down. I just broke one before. I went back to the factory to fix it. Er, wait a minute. the time when we both break down is the same . Did you accidentally make a short connection when measuring the voltage between two pins with a multimeter?

it seems that the arrow in the lower left corner points to the fuse. Take tweezers and make a short connection. If it can start, it will burn here, but nine times out of ten it will not burn, because the red light is on



I went back to the factory to have it repaired. It seems to be 80 yuan.

good luck
