How to expose files that depend on jquery using es6 syntax

recently working on vue-based mobile projects, need to use a rich text editor, need some simple functions, text editing, pictures, videos, etc., to find a qeditor on the Internet.
(this is a js file that depends on jquery) clipboard.png
I try to cancel iife (self-executing function), and then expose the interface through the syntax of es6. When used in a component, an error occurs on the console of the simulator. Middleware is not supported (this is the one below)
{(intermediate value) (intermediate value)} is not a function

found a lot of rich text editors on the Internet, most of them are not compatible with the higher version of ios, some of them are compatible with ios, and all of them are TM incompatible with Android.


are you looking for amd, cmd, umd? There are only a few export at the front end. , export default xx if you want to use es6 syntax. Because you don't have a more detailed scene, that's all you can do for the time being.
