When video.js plays a rtmp stream, how do I know that the rtmp stream has been disconnected?

play the rtmp stream normally with video.js 5.5.When the stream may be disconnected for a period of time and then resume, the front end will not automatically reconnect?
is there a callback for video.js to know that the stream has been disconnected?

var player = videojs("my-video",{
    controls: false,
    preload: "true",
    autoplay: true,
    sources: [

            src: "rtmp://test.feimarobotics.com/681/62562da84e2b48ca8557ae21c0ada76f?auth_key=1528099982-50055-0-683a9d0640b0673499a2d4edc1160a77",
            type: "rtmp/flv"
}, function onPlayerReady() {

has the landlord found a way?

landlord, have you found a way?
