Ask a question about the invalid lingHeight of title in the Echarts configuration item.

the lineHeight for configuring title is not valid in the following ways:

title: {
  text: "\nm",
  textStyle: {
    color: "-sharpFFF",
    fontWeight: "normal",
    align: "left",
    fontSize: fontSize+6, // fontSize
    lineHeight: fontSize+26
  top: "25%"

set the lineHeight of title to be valid in the following ways:

title: {
  text: "{a|\nm}",
  textStyle: {
    color: "-sharpFFF",
    fontWeight: "normal",
    align: "left",
    fontSize: fontSize+6, // fontSize
    lineHeight: fontSize+6,
    rich: {
      a: {
        fontSize: fontSize+6,
        lineHeight: fontSize+26
  top: "25%"

Please advise, why is this?
