Python mpld3 Visualization mpld3.display () reports an error

print (" Web page display *")

< H1 > dynamic visualization of define custom toolbar location, web pages < / H1 >

class TopToolbar (mpld3.plugins.PluginBase):

"""Plugin for moving toolbar to top of figure"""

mpld3.register_plugin("toptoolbar", TopToolbar);
TopToolbar.prototype = Object.create(mpld3.Plugin.prototype);
TopToolbar.prototype.constructor = TopToolbar;
function TopToolbar(fig, props){, fig, props);

TopToolbar.prototype.draw = function(){
  // the toolbar svg doesn"t exist
  // yet, so first draw it

  // then change the y position to be
  // at the top of the figure
  this.fig.toolbar.toolbar.attr("x", 150);
  this.fig.toolbar.toolbar.attr("y", 400);

  // then remove the draw function,
  // so that it is not called again
  this.fig.toolbar.draw = function() {}
def __init__(self):
    self.dict_ = {"type": "toptoolbar"}

< H1 > create data frame that has the result of the MDS plus the cluster numbers and titles < / H1 >

df = pd.DataFrame (dict (xboys, yags, label=clusters, title=usernameList)

< H1 > group by cluster < / H1 >

groups = df.groupby ("label")

< H1 > define custom css to format the font and to remove the axis labeling < / H1 >

css = "
text.mpld3-text, div.mpld3-tooltip {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

g.mpld3muraxis, g.mpld3-yaxis {
display: none;}

< H1 > Plot < / H1 >

fig, ax = plt.subplots (figsize= (14,6))-sharp set plot size
ax.margins (0.03)-sharp Optional, just adds 5% padding to the autoscaling

< H1 > iterate through groups to layer the plot < / H1 > < H1 > note that I use the cluster_name and cluster_color dicts with the "name" lookup to return the appropriate color/label < / H1 >

for name, group in groups:

points = ax.plot(group.x, group.y, marker="o", linestyle="", ms=18, label=cluster_names[name], mec="none",
labels = [i for i in group.title]

-sharp set tooltip using points, labels and the already defined "css"
tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points[0], labels,
                                         voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=css)
-sharp connect tooltip to fig
mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip, TopToolbar())

-sharp set tick marks as blank

-sharp set axis as blank

ax.legend (numpoints=1)-sharp show legend with only one dot

mpld3.display ()-sharp show the plot

< H1 > uncomment the below to export to html < / H1 >

html = mpld3.fig_to_html (fig)
mpld3.save_html (fig,"clusters_dynamic.html")
print (html)

print (" Web page display ends *")


Circular reference problem, resolved
