How is the function that an ip can only register one account?

is it that the database records the current request ip address and then saves a field, and then checks each request to see if it exists, and if so, it prompts that it cannot be registered


if you really need this feature, deposit it as you said in a registered ip

but I do not recommend such a restriction. A company or family is an ip, on the outside, but many people are using it internally. If everyone has to register an account, only one person can register, and no one else can register. Only by shutting down the router, restarting, and waiting for ip to change, can you register. In this way, the user experience is very bad. You can deposit the registration ip,. However, do not use ip to restrict user registration. You can think of other ways to solve the problem of users signing up for an account many times. For example, after a user registers an account, a logo is generated and stored in cookie,. When you decide whether you have this cookie, or not, you will be reminded that you have already registered your account. If you do not have this value, you can register. (this can only relatively solve some random registration and multi-registration behavior, for example, users can register again if they know the browser cache, and another browser can also register, so this kind of verification is only relative. A perfect way is to register with a mobile phone number (you need to accept the mobile phone verification code for registration, depending on how many mobile phone numbers the user has])

this is only my personal opinion. You can modify and use it according to your actual situation
