After the Node mysql program has been running for a period of time, there is an exception in reading and writing to the database.

the program is written in Node, and the back-end database provides APP back-end API and socket connection services for MySQL,. In the current single instance deployment, a MySQL connection is used in the instance. Everything works normally at the beginning of the service. As the service time becomes longer (ranging from one day to one week), an API call will fail at a certain point in time. After this error occurs, all subsequent database read and write operations will fail. The reason for the error in the API service code is that it failed to insert a record into MySQL. I inserted some code at the key code:

self.conn.query(sql, function(err, res, fields){
            callback && callback(ERRCODE.MYSQL.code, err);
            if (!res.insertId) {
                logger.error("activity.insertActivitySpeaker: insertId undefined");
            } else {
      "success: activity.insertActivitySpeaker: insertId %s", res.insertId);
            callback && callback(0, res);

what is more difficult to understand is that when the insert fails, the code"success: activity.insertActivitySpeaker: insertId %s", res.insertId);

is still executed, and a normal id (self-increment) is printed, but there is no corresponding operation log in MySQL binlog, and in the end, the record corresponding to id is not found in the database. The current guess is that the service is running for a long time or a loophole in the code logic leads to an abnormal MySQL connection: when you try to write to MySQL, you can get a write id, but the final write operation is not successful, and the data returned from the read from the database is empty. I wonder if my friends have encountered similar problems. Thank you very much for giving me some suggestions on investigation.


the reason for the problem is that when using a transaction, a lack of rollback or commit, can stably reproduce the error using the following code:

let mysql = require("mysql");

function createConn() {
    return mysql.createConnection({
        host     : '',
        user     : 'yangqiang',
        password : '123456',
        database : 'node_mysql_demo'

function transactionWithoutCommit(conn) {
    conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        conn.query('SELECT * from user where name="jonny"', function (error, results, fields) {
            if (error) {
                return conn.rollback(function () {
                    throw error;
            } else {
                //  commit

function transactionWithCommit(conn) {
    conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;
        conn.query('SELECT * from user where name="jonny"', function (error, results, fields) {
            if (error) {
                return conn.rollback(function () {
                    throw error;
            } else {
                conn.commit(function (err) {
                    if (err) {
                        return conn.rollback(function(){ throw err;})
                    } else {
                        console.log('transaction committed');

function write(conn) {
    conn.query('INSERT INTO user (name) VALUES ("Mei");', function (error, results, fields) {
        if (error) throw error;

var connection = createConn();

transactionWithoutCommit(connection); // 
// transactionWithCommit(connection); // 