Confusion about SPA and template engine

it"s not issue, for egg. It"s about separating the front and rear ends with SPA or using template engines for back-end rendering .

Front-end projects are becoming more and more complex, and SPA is very good for development efficiency and suitable for large-scale projects.
node template engine renders part fixed content, which can reduce unnecessary ajax, feeling suitable for personal projects.

the mixture of the two is reminiscent of the troubles of php and jsp. There are two kinds of template tags in the code, and the front-end development and build is very painful. At present, what I am doing is to put the two completely opposite:

pages are relatively simple (do not need ng, do not need to be built), such as static display sites and use backend rendering; pages are complex (pages need modularization and various construction optimizations), such as background management system, which does not need backend rendering and is purely implemented according to the separation of front and rear ends.

I don"t know how to optimize development efficiency and online performance for complex pages in . Are there any best practices ? In addition, doesn"t know if isomorphism can help ?
