Vue error passing value from parent component to child component

vue has the following error passing values from parent component to child component


how to solve the problem? I hope some great god can give me some advice


from the error message, the value value passed by the parent component to the child component is an array, while the child component defines that value is a string or numeric type, and the type check of prop fails.
if the value you need is a string or numeric type, the value passed by the parent component to the child component should be changed to a string or numeric type, not the array type; if you do need to pass an array, remove the type check of value .

is of the wrong type. Expect String/Number, to get Array

the description of the second floor is very accurate. Let me describe it in code:

// home.vue
<menu-footer :value=value></menu-footer>
  data () {
    return {
      value: 0, //menuFooter.vuevalueNumber,Number(: value:'a')
// menuFooter.vue

  props: {
    value: {
      type: Number,
      default: 0

the parent delivery type does not match the child receive

the child component specifies the receive type, and the parent component passes the value type incorrectly
