How to implement thread-safe INSERT IF NOT EXIST? gracefully by sqlalchemy

Database table mytable structure
id id_card
where id is the self-increasing primary key

how to gracefully implement if id_card insertion when it does not exist, of course, thread-safe can not be repeated.
my implementation is to add a global lock at the code level:

-sharp threading.lock
if != "nt":
    import fcntl
class GlobalLock(object):
    def __init__(self, lock_file):
        self.lock_file = "/tmp/" + lock_file

    def acquire(self):
        if != "nt":
            self.fn = open(self.lock_file, "w")
            fcntl.flock(self.fn.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)

    def release(self):
        if != "nt":

__gl__ = GlobalLock("__xmx__")

def global_lock(fp):
    def _d(*args, **kw):
            r = fp(*args, **kw)
        return r

    return _d

Database operation code:

from sqlalchemy import func
from models.models import MyTable  -sharp Model

def is_id_card_exists(id_card):
        -sharp scope_session
        s = db.create_scoped_session()
        result = s.query(MyTable).filter(func.upper(MyTable.id_card) == func.upper(id_card)).first()
        return True if result is not None else False
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(" is_id_card_exists exception:" + str(e))
    return True

-sharp mytable
def add_record(id_card):
        if is_id_card_exists(id_card) is True:
            return None

        s = MyTable(name)
        return s
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(" add_record exception:" + str(e))
    return None

I have tried to use MySQL to lock tables directly, but because the db.session cache problem has not been solved, is there an elegant solution? Of course, you can set the id_card field as the primary key, but I think this is not to solve the problem, but to bypass the problem.


The problem of duplicate values can easily occur without adding a unique key to the

database. Because if one day your code is deployed in a cluster, it is not easy to implement through file locking, and it also involves the management of lock files (such as after a sudden interruption, the lock files are not cleared, resulting in no longer being able to write data). It is recommended to use the database, such as

INSERT INTO table (id_card, name, age) VALUES(1, "A", 19) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE    
name="A", age=19

found a solution. Set id_card to unique index, so that if duplicate id_card data is inserted or modified, a sql exception will be thrown. This problem is solved perfectly
