How to translate and understand resolve in programming language?

such as path.resolve
in Node.js or resove object in Webpack configuration

Baidu means to resolve, decide, and decompose.
every time I see this word, I always feel very awkward. I don"t know how to translate it in my head.
how do you understand the meaning of this word?

I generally take the view of resolve (a problem) .

because decisions, parameters, and processes like are complex, problems like need to be abstracted, and something is needed to provide this complex implementation. Provider is obviously inappropriate because it generally provides entities, so you can use resolve to indicate that this thing exists for to solve the problem .

there is also a common case in which a given parameter is parsed. For example, when query or payload part of a HTTP request is parsed into a POJO (I am working on Java ) or some structure, this parsing process can be called resolve (that is, decompose ), but if you look at the problem from a higher perspective,

the above is only a personal point of view, because it is not often used to write this way of writing, if there are any mistakes, please let me know.

I guess parses the meaning of ,

note: of course I'm not professional in writing js,. I haven't used webpack,. I don't know what resove in webpack means. It's just a guess to provide an idea for the subject


I understand it as parsing or processing
