There was an error when debugging the vue project with Hbuilder real machine. Please take a look at it for your help.

runs after connecting to the real machine, and the server is turned on.
results printed on the console:

        828 KB/s (5093 bytes in 0.006s)
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1
         Unhandled promise rejection at static/js/0.5d619eee2822097557e1.js:1

has been solved by itself. The original interface address of the packaged application to obtain the backend data should be changed to the ip of the local area network
