How to make cross-domain requests after setting baseurl in axios in vue-cli?

recently I learned to use axios, to use Douban"s api, in vue-cli. I set axios"s baseurl to Douban"s api. After I set it, there was a cross-domain problem

  // main.js
        axios.defaults.baseURL = "";
        Vue.prototype.$axios = axios;

then I will search the Internet and modify

in config/index.js.
proxyTable: {
      "/api": {
        target: "", // 
        // secure: false,  // https
        changeOrigin: true, // 
        pathRewrite: {
          "^/api": ""


then request

in the component


found that it can be requested, but will report problems and Error: Network Error, certainly will not log ok, and then I can comment out the baseurl and return the ok without error. Later, I changed baseurl to axios.defaults.baseURL = ""
and got the data of github, no problem, but the previous Douban did not work, then the problem arises, how should I cross-domain when I set up baseurl (such as github). When I write Douban"s address directly when I request, I can get it, but still report an error
, that is, how can a request not be affected by baseurl? Please let me know. Thank you.


  1. The configuration of proxytable remains unchanged
  2. because axios.defaults.baseURL is set, cross-domain requests must be rewritten this baseURL';
change to
axios.defaults.baseURL ='/ api'
