What's the difference between Hbuilder packing APP and Weex,react Native?

Hbuilder packages APP and Weex,react Native. What"s the difference in packaging them into APP? In terms of performance or permissions?


1. First of all, the answer you adopted is not entirely correct. Hbuilder can also use vue to write pages
2.hbuilder. The essence of 2.hbuilder is to provide an ide and a set of runtime environment, and finally run html and js as well as css code on the client side. The call to the native function provides a set of bridge
3. The essence of weex and rn is to provide a mechanism for mapping virtual dom to native native components, and finally run native code


  • hbuilder write
  • in mui/html5
  • weex write
  • in vue
  • react-native write
  • in react

what they have in common

  • write the code only once
  • can generate cross-platform applications with one click (android + ios)
  • has a large number of users and maintainers

degree of difficulty:
hbuilder < weex < RN

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the author is currently using React Native to write business, you can check out my article related tutorials. The performance of the three have their own advantages, are similar, ordinary applications can not see the difference, but are worse than the original.

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Future trend:

may be killed by flutter produced by google, which is 2w + star as soon as the product comes up. The performance is much better than the above three, but it is still in the beta stage, and you need to learn another language: dart .

Hbuilder is ide,weex,RN is a framework, is a different thing
