What tool does tomcat use to compile jsp into bytecode files (.class)

< H2 > it is well known: < / H2 >

1, Source file (.java) compiled into bytecode file (.class)
2 using javac.exe tool included with JDK. JRE does not come with javac.exe tool, but only java.exe tool

. < H2 > question < / H2 >

my project is deployed on a production server (Tomcat+JRE), but JRE does not have its own compilation tool javac.exe . How can jsp pages be compiled into .class files? Does Tomcat come with tools like javac.exe ? What"s the name of the tool? Ask the god, thank you


different versions of tomcat are slightly different. Take tomcat 7 as an example,
* .jsp -> * jsp.java uses lib/jasper.jar, in which the el part uses jasper-el.jar
* .java -> * .class , which is slightly different from jdk's javac, mainly in the case of handling errors and failing to compile. Ecj is more friendly.

you are already a class file when you deploy. It's not compiled by tocmat.

if you are using the ide tool, ide will call the compilation tool that comes with jdk every time you save it
