Is there a combination of application server and web server in php? Does lanmp belong?

first question:
the web server in lamp is apache, right? What about the application server? Is it php?

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question addition:
according to the following blog and StackOverflow Q & A, I found that in the lamp or lnmp stack, apache only calls php, through interfaces such as CGI,FastCGI,ISAPI, so my guess above is wrong. php is not an application server .
is there a combination of application server and web server in php? Does lanmp belong?

differences between WEB server, application server and HTTP server-aitao-blog Park

What is the difference between application server and web server?-Stack Overflow


the lamp: server is loaded into the apache process for apache,php as a module of apache, and the dynamic requests accepted by apache interact with php through SAPI, that is, php's Apache 2.0 Handler mode
lnmp:web server receives dynamic requests for nginx, and forwards them to the back-end php-fpm, for processing and returns to webserver,. At this time, the php runs on the protocol with PHP-CGI,fpm PHP fast-cgi as PHP fast-cgi

  • lamp : linux + apache + mysql + php
  • lnmp : linux + nginx + mysql + php
  • wamp : windows + apache + mysql + php

acronym of the first letter
