What is vue's current version 2.5.16 support for typescript?

I want to introduce typescript, into vue. I don"t know what the current level of support is. What is the current version 2.5.16"s support for typescript?

The support after

2.5.0 is very good. ide/typescript.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> see the official document . At present, there is a relatively mature vue + typescript scheme in the community, and many demo, subjects on github may wish to take a look at: example 1 , example 2

but because there is a logical gap in the type at vue2.x design time, ts cannot deduce the type. In order to solve the problem of logical fault, the community puts forward the scheme of connecting the decorator to the fault, such as the vue-class-component library, but the written code is very suffocating
