The picture component in React Native loads static resources, and the picture name contains @ 2x or @ 3x error. What is the reason?

use the Image component in React-native to load a static image resource and report an error. Delete @ 2x from the picture name and you can run, React Native. Is there any requirement for the picture name? For advice, thank you.

<Image source={require("./image/WX20180523-232003@2x.png")} style={{width:200,heihgt:200}}/>


you don't have to write the full name of the picture, the system will match 2x and 3x


you only write the name before the @ sign

< Image source= {require ('. / image/WX20180523-232003.png')} style= {{width:200,heihgt:200}} / >

that's all you need to do, and the picture name remains the same
