You don't need to show your face directly after tab.

check it out, for example, say this noodle


after cutting the sidelines" tab, he can load it as if he doesn"t have to check it.
what kind of technology can this do? Php add some skills, can you?


this is called SPA, which mainly depends on html5 history API, and PHP (with other back-end technologies).

this should still be read, but you can't feel it fast?

if you really don't need to read, it must be that when the page loads, all the tab content is loaded together, and clicking tab just allows that content to show and hide other tab content.

if you still need to load, you mainly rely on ajax technology, which is very old and mature.

if equipped with h5 history API, the link on the browser's address bar can be changed, just like jumping to a page, and clicking the back button does not leave the current page, but produces an event that js can listen to.
