How to introduce several Ali icon font library?

download icons are introduced, which are references to single icons.
how to introduce a lot of icons in batch?

I tried to add the icon class style to be added in
iconfont.css :

.icon-qiehuan:before { content: "\e612"; }

but it doesn"t display properly on the page.


scene: several icons have been introduced before (not by me). Now that the requirements change, more icons need to be introduced. But the old icon was introduced by someone else, and I don"t have it in my shopping cart. It"s impossible to find it again one by one and add it.

how to deal with such a scenario is convenient and simple?


add to the material library, package and download or use their cdn

icon page with icon management at the top, create a new icon project, add icons to the project, and download the project package

Thank you for answering!
later discovered the trick:
