Using echarts in angular4 to put data in tab the data is not displayed and the data changes cannot be re-rendered

  <nz-tab *ngFor="let item of tabs index as i" nzTitle="{{item.title}}" (nzSelect)="selectTab(item.index)">
      <div echarts [options]="options[item.index-1]" [loading]="showloading" class="chart"></div>
export class TaskList {
  public taskList: any[] = [];
  //  1  ;2 ;3 
  private userRole: number = 1;
  private options: any[] ;
  // private options: any;
  private time: any = 1;
  private tabIndex: any = 1;
  private tabs: any[] = [{ title: "", index: 1 }, { title: "", index: 2 }, { title: "", index: 3 }];

  constructor (private taskListService: TaskListService) {
    this.taskList = taskListService.getTaskList();
    this.options = [this.taskListService.getRentalsOption(1, this.time), this.taskListService.getRentalsOption(2, this.time), this.taskListService.getRentalsOption(3, this.time)];

  public ngOnInit () {
  // id 1 ;2 ;3 ;4
  public resetTime (time: any): void {
    this.time = time;
    this.resetOptions(this.tabIndex, this.time);
  public resetTimeRegion (result: Date): void {
    console.log("onChange: ", result);
  // tab
  public selectTab (tabIndex: number): void {
    this.tabIndex = tabIndex;
    this.resetOptions(this.tabIndex, this.time);
  // charts options
  public resetOptions (tabIndex: number, time: any): void {
    this.options[(tabIndex - 1)] = this.taskListService.getRentalsOption(tabIndex, time);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(this.options[(this.tabIndex - 1)]));
 public option: any = {
    color: ["-sharp3ba1ff"],
    tooltip : {
        trigger: "axis",
        axisPointer : {            // 
            type : "shadow",        // :"line" | "shadow"
    grid: {
        left: "3%",
        right: "3%",
        bottom: "3%",
        // containLabel: true,
    xAxis : [
            type : "category",
            data : [],
            axisTick: {
                alignWithLabel: true,
    yAxis : [
            type : "value",
    series : [
            name: "",
            type: "bar",
            barWidth: "60%",
            data: [],
  public getRentalsOption (tabIndex: number, time: any) {
    // 1 ;2 ;3 ;4  ; 
    if (typeof (time) != "number") {
      this.option.xAxis[0].data = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
      this.option.series[0].data = [20, 20, 20, 334, 390, 330, 220];
    if (time == 1 ) {
      this.option.xAxis[0].data = ["0:00", "1:00", "2:00", "3:00", "4:00", "5:00", "6:00", "7:00", "8:00", "9:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00"];
      this.option.series[0].data = [10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220, 10, 52, 200];
    if (time == 2) {
      this.option.xAxis[0].data = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
      this.option.series[0].data = [20, 20, 20, 334, 390, 330, 220];
    if (time == 3) {
      const len = this.commonMethod.mGetDate();
      const xAxis: string[] = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < len; iPP) {
        xAxis.push((i + 1).toString());
      this.option.xAxis[0].data = xAxis;
      this.option.series[0].data = [10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 10, 52, 200, 334, 390];
    if (time == 4) {
      this.option.xAxis[0].data = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
      this.option.series[0].data = [10, 52, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220, 200, 334, 390, 330, 220];
    return this.option;



switching time selection data option changes but the chart is not redrawn


because option is reference type data and the address has not changed, it is considered that the data has not changed. ResetOptions finally adds a sentence to try:
this.options= Object.assign ({}, this.options);
