Using pyspider to call phantomjs to render the page Times error: "no response from phantomjs", status code 599

use pyspider to call phantomjs to render the page. Error: "no response from phantomjs", status code 599. Phantomjs works on the terminal, but an error is reported as soon as you use the pyspider call, and both pyspider and phantomjs search for the latest version. Baidu and Google have searched and still can"t find a solution.
the following picture shows the error message on pyspider and the port information that opens pyspider:

phantomjs is no longer recommended. ider/releases" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> pyspider v0.3.9 already supports splash. It is recommended to use splash to render js.
Enabled by fetch argument-- splash-endpoint= use fetch_type='splash' when calling http://splash:8050/execute
