Invalid RocketMQ setting brokerIP1

RocketMQ setting brokerIP1 is invalid. The address of docker will be found by default, resulting in unable to connect to broker


2018-06-20 21\:00\:56 INFO main - namesrvAddr=
2018-06-20 21\:00\:56 INFO main - brokerIP1=
2018-06-20 21\:00\:56 INFO main - brokerName=localhost.localdomain
2018-06-20 21\:00\:56 INFO main - brokerClusterName=DefaultCluster
2018-06-20 21\:00\:56 INFO main - brokerId=0


ExecStart=/opt/rocketmq/bin/mqbroker  -c /opt/rocketmq/conf/broker.p
ExecStop=/opt/rocketmq/bin/mqshutdown broker


2018-06-20 21:31:41 INFO PullRequestHoldService - PullRequestHoldService service started
2018-06-20 21:31:41 INFO main - The broker[localhost.localdomain,] boot success. serializeType=JSON
2018-06-20 21:31:51 INFO BrokerControllerScheduledThread1 - dispatch behind commit log 0 bytes
2018-06-20 21:31:51 INFO BrokerControllerScheduledThread1 - Slave fall behind master: 0 bytes

if you are using rocketmq, in docker, it is recommended to take a look at official document , which is very detailed


provide an idea

-sharp Start nameserver
docker run -d -p 9876:9876 -v `pwd`/data/namesrv/logs:/home/rocketmq/logs -v `pwd`/data/namesrv/store:/home/rocketmq/store --name rmqnamesrv rocketmqinc/rocketmq:4.5.0 sh mqnamesrv

-sharp Start Broker
docker run -d -p 10911:10911 -p 10909:10909 -v `pwd`/data/broker/logs:/home/rocketmq/logs -v `pwd`/data/broker/store:/home/rocketmq/store -v `pwd`/data/broker/conf/broker.conf:/opt/rocketmq-4.5.0/conf/broker.conf --name rmqbroker --link rmqnamesrv:namesrv -e "NAMESRV_ADDR=namesrv:9876" rocketmqinc/rocketmq:4.5.0 sh mqbroker -c /opt/rocketmq-4.5.0/conf/broker.conf
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