Error in starting react project using react-app-rewired

configure according to the official website of antd. As a result, npm start startup reported an error. I don"t know why





are you yarn run eject? It is possible without exposing the configuration.

same encounter! ~ this question! 1
Hello, how to solve it? I also encountered this problem

. If I encounter this error, npm install react-scripts can solve the problem directly, but there will be another problem, which will cause you to check out from yarn run eject that some changes in the config directory are invalid, such as configuring less in the config directory to remove the hash configuration. If you want to continue to configure less and other operations, You must go to the config under the react-scripts directory under node_modules to configure. It is estimated that after npm install react-scripts, the config directory will not be detected by yarn run eject at all. I do not know if other partners have encountered

can not find package.json under the react-scripts module, indicating that you npm I did not succeed, or react-scripts package version is wrong.

maybe the react-scripts module is not installed

I also encounter the same problem. If you are using create-react-app scaffolding, you will install this package automatically, otherwise you need to install the react-scripts package dependency manually.

is also encountered. The reason for this problem is that I use ts, so change it to const scriptVersion = custom_scripts | | 'react-scripts-ts'; is fine.

react-scripts destroys react-app-rewired:

after upgrading to 2.1.2

then react-app-rewired directly killed all helpers:

after upgrading to 2.x.
