Http://localhost:8000/user request is http://localhost:8000/server/user

proxyTable: {

  "/server": {
        target: "http://localhost:8000/", // ?
        // secure: false,  // https?
        changeOrigin: true, // ?
        // pathRewrite: {
        //   "^/api": ""
        // }

    "/user": {
        target: "http://localhost:8000/user/register", // ?
        secure: true,  // https?
        changeOrigin: true, // ?
        // pathRewrite: {
        //   "^/api": ""
        // }

localhost:800 or localhost:8000?
and I don't quite understand why the second secure is set to true,. From the point of view of the code, you just link to the interface of http

when the backend interface address is / server/user/register, frontend request, the url address is written / server/user/register,

'/server': {
target: 'http://localhost:8000', //   /
changeOrigin: true