What packages are needed to package a vue project with gulp?

for example, I wrote the following code

Vue.component("chart-option", {
    template: `
        <ul class="clearfix fl chart-option-list">
            <li class="fl chart-option-item" v-for="(item, index) in checkedConfig">
                <input class="hide" type="checkbox" :id="item.id" value="item.value" v-model="item.model" true-value="yes" false-value="no">
                <label :for="item.id">
                    <span class="chart-option" :class="{on: item.model==="yes"}">
                        <i v-if="item.model==="yes""></i>
    props: ["checked-config"],
    data() {
        return {};
    methods: {},
    mounted() {}

I hope to be able to translate this js code through gulp, especially the html in template into a render function. Ask for advice on what to do?
