[angular2] Wechat H5, there is no error & there is no conflict, but the style is disordered, how to solve it?

recently the test submitted to me some BUG, content description is "just entered the Wechat H5 page is normal, but when clicking the back button, the style is confused", his phone and I are Android, then I finished the development, I must be my own real machine first tested before sent to him for testing. Then I took a look at his cell phone, and it was really deranged, as shown in the following picture:




I still think there"s something wrong with it, but is normal on the simulator ! ~ I just don"t understand, what is the cause of this problem and how to solve it? Have you ever met a boss?


Connect the faulty device, adb to the computer, turn on chrome remote debugging, and review the elements to see the style. I guess there may be a problem with the closure of the html tag ~

later, I followed the idea of the above big brother and put an ADB Plugin plug-in in Google browser, and then I could use it. However, the device I want to debug doesn't work because there is no prompt in Google browser.

then I changed the Wechat developer tool. As a result, it didn't work, but at least there was a hint, so I followed the hint and found a way to open the inspect of the X5 kernel. After opening it, I could test it.

as a result, it was found that there was indeed an error, but it was not the error of closing the label of the eldest brother above, but a tricky error: ERROR RangeError: Invalid language tag: en-US-- at new NumberFormat (native)


basically nothing can be found in Baidu. On Google, there are only a few answers, ah, under consideration.

-- supplement-


the URL above is my own obvious solution to this mistake.
